
Growing, giving, living our faith with
Christ's love and compassion.



Growing in faith, giving glory to God, and living the Gospel by reaching out with love and compassion for all.



Rev. Mark Terayama

Andy Sulzman
Worship Music Director

Elaine Fleshman

Trisha Sparks


Elders & Deacons


Elders have the responsibility, along with the pastor,
for governing the congregation as outlined in the
Book of Order so that the congregation is and
becomes a community of faith, hope and love.

Duaine Anderson                    Jim Irwin           
Michael Anderson                   Jim Logan
Jody Fleshman                       Janet Miya
Ryan Sams                              Kristy Rattray
Mark Fleshman                       Angela Weber
Nancy Grant                           Dale Wyman


Ministry is one of service and compassion, witness and service
to share the love of Jesus Christ.  Deacons serve as ushers,
count the Sunday offering, provide meals after funerals and
memorials, and reach out to those in need.

Kathy Anderson                 Jessica Greely
Will Fleshman                    Tanner Sparks
Elaine Fleshman                Don Mobley
Mark Weber                       Jane Grant


 Our History

Homesteaders came to Adams County before the turn of the century, but as with many towns in the west, the small town of Othello was born when the Milwaukee Railroad rolled out its tracks in the early 1900s.  With the town came the need for spiritual growth.  Our first meetings  were held in a tent provided by the railroad in 1908.  Our first house of worship was erected in 1909.  

In the early years, hard times fell on the town and the church.  The Spanish Influenza, extreme drought, and two World Wars proved almost overwhelming for the small church. Despite these difficulties, the life of the church continued.  During the epidemic, the church offered the sanctuary as a makeshift hospital and volunteers tended the stricken. During the drought, the Ladies' Aid Society provided food for the needy.  Money was tight, but the doors of the church were never shut.  Our church continued to provide spiritual growth and support for the struggling community.  

Development of the Grand Coulee Dam and the Hanford nuclear facility brought people to the area and to Othello.  As the town grew, so did the church.  Having outgrown its facility, the church erected a new building in 1957 on its current site.  Since then, we've added space for education and fellowship in 1960 and again in 1980.  

In 2008 we celebrated our 100-year anniversary!  Following the traditions of our faith, we continue to provide spiritual growth, Christian education, and support for our community.

Othello Information

OTHELLO is an agricultural-based community located in the heart of the Columbia Basin.

We are surrounded by 50 nearby lakes that provide water sports opportunities, fishing, hunting and camping.

Approximately 7,000 year-round residents enjoy the small town rural life with a great community spirit.
Othello parks
Othello Community Hospital
Columbia Basin Health

